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Data Disaggregation

Welcome to Education System Solutions: Empowering Educators through Data Disaggregation!

In today's data-driven educational landscape, understanding the intricacies of information is key to driving meaningful change. At Education System Solutions, we specialize in Data Disaggregation, a process that goes beyond merely reviewing data – we transform raw information into actionable insights. Our dedicated team assists your school or district in dissecting a multitude of data sources, including assessments (both Formative and Summative), attendance records, student discipline reports, state report card data, and any other relevant datasets.

Our Comprehensive Data Disaggregation Services:

1. Thorough Analysis:
We meticulously analyze your data, identifying patterns, trends, and areas that require attention. Our experts dig deep into the numbers, unraveling valuable insights that might be hidden beneath the surface. By understanding the nuances of your data, we provide a comprehensive overview that informs strategic decision-making.

2. Strategic Planning:
Data, when harnessed effectively, becomes a powerful tool for strategic planning. Beyond analysis, we guide you in utilizing this data to develop well-informed strategies. Whether it's enhancing teaching methods, addressing attendance issues, or refining disciplinary policies, our team collaborates with you to devise targeted plans that directly benefit your students.

3. Informed Decision-Making:
Making decisions based on data is at the core of our approach. We empower your school or district leaders with the knowledge and insights necessary to make informed choices. From classroom interventions to district-wide policies, our recommendations are grounded in evidence, ensuring that every decision aligns with the best interests of your students.

4. Continuous Support:
Our commitment extends beyond the initial data analysis. We offer continuous support as you implement the strategies derived from our insights. Our team is readily available to provide guidance, monitor progress, and make necessary adjustments, ensuring that your efforts lead to tangible improvements in student outcomes.

5. Maximizing Impact:
Education System Solutions doesn't just provide data analysis; we empower you to maximize its impact. By translating data into actionable strategies, we help you create an educational environment where students thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

Transform Your Data into Progress:

Data Disaggregation isn't just about numbers; it's about transformation. Let Education System Solutions be your partner in this transformative journey. Together, we can turn raw data into meaningful change, fostering an educational environment where every student receives the support they need to succeed.

Contact us today to explore how our Data Disaggregation services can revolutionize your school or district. Let's harness the power of data to create a future where educational excellence knows no bounds. Education System Solutions: Where Data Drives Progress!

Our mission is to provide a systematic approach to school improvement centered around building trusting relationships and supporting data driven decisions that meet the needs of our clients.
  • 465 Riverbend Blvd
    St Albans, West Virginia 25177
  • 304-550-9235


  • Master Scheduling
  • Strategic Planning
  • Data Disaggregation
  • Technology Integration
  • Virtual Professional Development
  • Instructional Strategies
  • Instructional Leadership
  • Program of Studies
  • School Diagnostic Reviews (A Needs Assessment for your School and District)
  • Create and Support High Functioning Collaborative Teams
  • Educational Leadership Support (Management and Instructional): School and District
  • Educational Facilities Planning Aligned to Your Curriculum Needs